Closing Women’s Month With Reflection

March 29, 2021 | ALL POSTS

It has been a year of going back to my roots and learning more about myself.  Things have not slowed down for me during the pandemic.  Quite the opposite.  I have been running the Inn with limited staff while managing operations for an advertising start-up.  Plus, I’m a full-time mom, teacher, home chef, accountant, cleaning lady, etc.

I’m sure I’m like most women out there. I go to bed at night completely exhausted yet feeling like I haven’t done enough.

Despite all these challenges, I recognize the resiliency of women.  The ability to compartmentalize and focus on the task at hand – all while keeping multiple balls up in the air! It has been a difficult year yet we’ve all learned so much.  For myself, I learned what I’m capable of.  They say “necessity is the mother of invention.” Well, in this case, a global pandemic caused a massive shift. And for many it was a pivot inward – digging down as deep as you can and realizing just how much depth you really have. And for the women in our lives who sacrificed so much, running on fumes but still going, we should pause and give praise.

Thank goodness for my girl gang, my community of women who inspire and encourage me every day.  Thank goodness for the community of small business owners, who have been through hell and back – and who are finally feeling a sense of cautious optimism.  Thank goodness for my family, who I haven’t seen in over a year but keep up the sharp wit and humor on group text.  And thank goodness for my fiance and our kids who make this crazy life meaningful.

March is Women’s History Month but we should truly celebrate the women in our lives everyday.