How to Bring the Hotel Experience Home

November 18, 2020 | Wellness

From Turn-Down Service to Morning Coffee, How To Recreate the Hotel Experience at Home


During these times, staying at home more than you’re used to might leave you wondering how you can replicate your most coveted hospitality treats. Skip the deep search. Here at the Wicker Park Inn, we are more than happy to share some trade secrets with our customers, readers, and neighbors. Now, more than ever, a little extra something today makes the difference tomorrow. From our home to yours, here are a handful of hospitality favorites that make the guest experience special – and that you can totally take home with you!


Bottled Water, Coffee and Breakfast…in bed!

Have filtered water in a beautiful decanter on your bedside table with a short, wide-rimmed glass. Add freshly sliced lemon, cucumber or a sprig of mint to perfect the look.  Water is essential for feeling refreshed and hydrated.  And one sip quickly perks up the senses.

But first coffee…Prep your coffee by grinding the night before and measure water so it’s ready to brew.  Set aside a tray ready to go with morning goodies like yogurt, fresh fruit and granola.  Quickly assemble in the morning and enjoy in bed! Prep ahead so you can enjoy a lazy morning.

Plush Hotel Bed!

Make your bed like they do at a boutique B&B! It’s simple but it certainly makes a difference. To up the style, use white sheets with a contrasting blanket.  Tuck in your blanket tightly and use hospital corners at the foot of the bed for a clean finish. Cap the end of the bed with a folded down comforter and add a fluffy pillow arrangement against your headboard. Test drive it for a week and you’ll see what a difference it makes – both in style and comfort!

 Linen Spritz

This is a personal choice but one that will literally change the way you sleep forever! Spray your linens after waking up or after making your bed. Even better, a lavender spritz before you lay your head to sleep promotes relaxing slumber. You can purchase a linen spray online or at a local shop. Better yet, you can search online on how to make it at home!


 Warm Cookies Before Bed

There’s an age-old myth that warm milk induces slumber.  And what better way to enjoy warm milk than with some freshly baked cookies.  Even if you didn’t make them yourself, you can easily recreate that fresh out-of-the oven experience by quickly warming up some cookies before indulging.  Your whole body will thank you for it!  There is a reason why turn down service is so memorable…what adult doesn’t want a few bites of a warm cookie before snuggling into bed?!